We wish to thank everyone who came out to support the vendors! It was a glorious day!!!
The fair was created to build awareness of mission groups and support their mission efforts.
Here’s a list of who was there on May 4, 2024. We regret to say that because of circumstances this year, St. Paul’s Anglican will be unable to hold our On a Mission Craft Fair. This was a decision not made lightly.
We have been blessed by your participation and by your heart for the gospel to be spread around the world. We pray that you will be able to join us on May 2, 2026!
Shenaini Crafts
Hhand-embroidered purses and backpacks made by the Miao people in China, shenaini.com
We Love Kids
Intricate pop-up cards to raise money to send marginalized children to school in Vietnam & Cambodia, WeLoveKids.org
New Hope Initiative
Wooden bowls, spoons, & trays to help support a variety of education & sustainable living programs in five countries, newhopeinitiative.org
Project Biashara
Jewelry, totes, & stuffed animals by women living in the slums of Kenya, projectbiashara.org
A Central Asian mission
Benefits Uzbek special education children through crocheted stuffed animals. Due to the sensitivity of the work, no link is posted.
Live Ear Ministries
African art, & clothing for their ministry to the hard-of-hearing & deaf in West Africa, live-ear.org
Internal Hope Fellowship Church
Selling woven handmade bracelets, hand fans, dresses and other jewelry from Ghana to benefit education efforts there, internalhope.org
She Has Hope
Jewelry made by women in Nepal to help prevent human trafficking, shehashope.org
Three Angels Children's Relief
Three Angels serves orphans and at-risk families in Haiti. Our goal is to help them escape poverty, encounter Jesus, and become part of a healthy home.
Mission Kitchen Catering - Selling food!
Founded in 2017 by Open Door Mission graduates to train new graduates from their recovery program in the art of catering operations, and culinary careers. Today, our message of recovery and hope is being carried out by our Kitchen Manager and our Head Chef, both proud Open Door Mission alumni.
Family Legacy
Serving the vulnerable & orphaned children of Zambia, providing academic, spiritual, physical, & emotional care, believing in each child’s ability to know, grow in, & walk with Christ while expanding their education for achievement, familylegacy.com
Open Door Mission
A faith & evidence-based recovery program & facility helping men in Houston since 1954, dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely destitute, homeless & disabled, www.opendoorhouston.org
The Reformed Episcopal Church's Board of Foreign Missions
The Reformed Episcopal Church’s Board of Foreign Missions encourages Anglicans to serve, support and pray for all who serve around the world and particularly for their oversees missions work in Croatia, Cuba, Germany, Hungary, Malawi and Serbia.
Psalm 91 Ministry
Clothing, & accessories to benefit children’s education & nurturing ministries in Zambia, psalm91ministry.org
Crafting for a Cause
Raising funds for Bay Area Turnin Point, bayareaturningpoint.org
Scott Gilbert Art
Scott Gilbert is a professional fine artist working in realism from the Houston area. As an avid angler, elements of fishing inspire much of his work. Through his art, Scott strives to continually magnify the name of Jesus.
Jules Artsy Boutique - handmade art for Christ
Christian company with the purpose of sharing the love of Christ, and furthering God’s kingdom through art.
Bits of Glitz
Upscaled lady’s boutique apparel and jewelry.